Commercial Boiler Maintenance

Commercial Boiler Maintenance

Many commercial buildings are heated in the winter by a boiler. Unlike a furnace, which produces dry heat, a boiler provides space heating by boiling water to produce steam.

There are many advantages of boilers. They are both effective and efficient at heating a building and typically have a long life. However, there are safety issues involved with boilers as well. Generating the heat to boil the water requires a combustion system. When improperly maintained, the combustion system can cause the boiler to explode.

To prevent an explosion of a commercial boiler, it is necessary to perform maintenance on an ongoing basis. Some of these maintenance tasks must be performed by a professional, while others are the responsibility of the building owner.


When carbon dioxide, oxygen, and other non-condensable gases build up in the boiler feed water, it can lead to corrosion. Deaeration is required to remove these gases from the system. The process may require replacement tray valves for effectiveness.

Boiler Gauge Monitoring

The gauges display water levels and steam distribution. If these levels are low, it could indicate leaking. This could result in water damage and as well as increasing the system’s consumption of water and energy. Monitoring these gauges on at least a weekly basis can help to identify such leaks.

Boiler Cleaning

It may seem too obvious to even mention, but keeping the boiler clean is essential for proper operation. Foreign substances, such as scale or soot, can build up on the heat transfer surfaces of the boiler. This makes boiler failure more likely. Even if failure does not occur, the efficiency of the boiler could be compromised.

In addition to performing maintenance on a boiler, or hiring a professional to perform it, it is also important to keep a log of inspection and maintenance tasks. This helps to maintain a consistent schedule. Any lapses could be costly to your business, and not only in terms of money.

