The Purpose of a WAF Or Web Application Firewall

The Purpose of a WAF Or Web Application Firewall

There are several different purposes for a WAF (web application firewall). The main ones are to prevent attacks on application-layer services, protect data from leakage, and block DDoS attacks. They can also monitor incoming traffic. We’ll cover the basics of firewalls and how they can benefit your web business. Then, this article will discuss a few of the most common types of attacks.

Protects Applications From Attacks on the Application Layer

To protect applications from attacks on the application layer, administrators must implement adequate security measures to keep them safe. Unfortunately, application layer attacks are challenging to detect and prevent because they target vulnerabilities hidden in proprietary application code. In addition, zero-day vulnerabilities are particularly interesting to cyber criminals because a security solution cannot see them. Also, the human factor can play a role in these attacks. This is why application-layer protection is critical.

Application layer DDoS attacks are a common type of attack. They aim to disrupt a website or web application by generating high traffic volumes. Most application layer DDoS attacks target web servers. Attackers usually target these servers through IoT devices, which are not secure. Application-layer DDoS attacks can take various forms, including HTTP(/s) Flooding, Large Payload POST, and BGP hijacking.

Prevents Data Leakage

The first step in preventing data leakage is gaining visibility into client-side activity. You can accomplish this by running monitoring scripts. These scripts will tell you what types of data are being sent out and where the data is going. Then, you can limit access to sensitive data. The next step is to protect the information itself. 

Data leaks are a significant threat to any organization. Without a solid Web application firewall, data can be easily leaked through a network attack. Unfortunately, most enterprises are not even aware of which data is sensitive. In addition, only one-fourth of enterprises can recognize an impending disaster after a data leak. Fortunately, there are several ways to prevent these leaks. Let’s look at some of them.

Blocks Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) Attacks

A WAF is a network security product that analyzes HTTP requests for vulnerabilities and determines which are legitimate and which are not. WAFs use artificial intelligence algorithms to detect unusual traffic patterns and determine whether the traffic is malicious. They also analyze the structure of the application to identify potentially malicious requests. Moreover, WAF operators define security rules for application traffic and can prevent blocking legitimate traffic.

A WAF or web application firewall (WAF) protects organizations from the threats posed by DDoS attacks. It blocks attacks by blocking unauthorized HTTP requests, and it prevents unwanted traffic from entering the organization’s network. Most WAF systems operate in a proxy mode and block TCP connections. Many DDOS vendors offer a WAF with a DDOS solution. It is essential to find a dedicated WAF to block volumetric attacks.

Monitors Incoming Traffic

Web application firewalls can monitor the incoming traffic to a web application and block outbound connections. A web application firewall can detect attacks on a website and prevent access by detecting suspicious traffic. Web application firewalls can trigger violations depending on the nature of the attack. These violations should be monitored closely. If they rapidly increase, this may indicate the onset of a full-scale online attack.

You can use the Monitoring page to monitor incoming traffic to your web application. The Monitoring page shows the rules applied by a web application firewall. It also displays counters and dynamic application signatures. This feature maintains statistics about incoming traffic and allows you to reset them. Click the Clear Counters button to reset the counters to zero. The counter values are refreshed after a specified period. The Monitoring page also provides a report of any malicious traffic that has been blocked.

